These SmartGirl study notes include:
Chemical Bonding (same as grade 11):
- Chemical Bonding
- Molecular Shapes
- Electronegativity & Polar Bonds
- Bond Length & Energy
- Intermolecular Forces
- The Chemistry of Water
Quantitative Chemistry (same as grade 11):
- Balanced chemical equations
- The mole concept
- Molar volume of gases
- Concentration of solutions
- Stoichiometric calculations
Energy Change & Rates of Reactions:
- Exothermic & endothermic reactions (from grade 11)
- Potential Energy profile graphs (from grade 11)
- Activation Energy (from grade 11)
- Factors Affecting rates of reactions
- Measuring rates of reactions
- Catalysts
Chemical Equilibrium:
- Chemical Equilibrium & Chemical Equilibrium factors
- The Equilibrium Constant, Kc
- Application of Equilibrium Principles
- Industry Applications of Equilibrium Principles
Acids & Bases:
- Relative strengths of acids
- Auto-ionisation of water
- Calculating the Concentration of a solution
- Acid, base & Neutral solutions
- Acid base titrations
- Applications of acids & bases
- Redox reactions
- Standard Electrode potentials
- Oxidation & Reduction half reactions & redox reactions
- Galvanic cells
- Current, Potential Difference, Reaction Rate & Equilibrium (includes the application of Le Chatelier’s Principle)
- Redox reactions in a cell
- Applications of galvanic cells
- Electrolytic Cells
- Applications of Electrolytic cell
Organic Chemistry:
- Uniqueness of Carbon
- Structures: functional groups, saturated & unsaturated structures & isomers
- Types of reactions: combustion, addition, substitution & elimination
- IUPAC naming & formulae
- Physical properties & structure
- Esterification
- Cracking
Grade 12 Chemistry